About the Haldane PTA BOE Committee

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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Revenue Relief (Really!) from Albany

Superintendent Mark Villanti reported at tonight's 4/3/13 Board of Education meeting that the recently-adopted New York State budget restores some of the aid to the District's projected revenue. "We are grateful for the extra money," Dr. Villanti noted, "but we are still not out of the woods," adding that the cut in State Aid is still $418,000 short. To put this in historical perspective, Haldane's State Aid reimbursement is $600K less than it was in the 2009-10 budget year, and district expenses and financial obligations have only increased since then. In the past five years the District has been forced to find over $2 million in spending cuts to make up the shortfall caused by the Gap Elimination Adjustment.

Dr. Villanti also offered an explanation of the implications of a contingency cap, which would take place in the event of a twice-defeated budget vote. This year, like last year, a contingency budget means a zero percent spending increase and would necessitate an additional $619,849 in spending cuts. Voter approval will be essential to maintain fiscal and educational solvency. "This is high stakes," said Dr. Villanti

In the event of a contingency cap, these cuts would be drastic and would dramatically (and negatively) impact education programs. To illustrate the devastation a contingency cap would impose on the District, the entire athletic budget, minus transportation, is about $350K. If forced to reduce spending by a contingency cap, the District could cut the entire athletic budget and still have a sizable budget shortfall with more cuts yet to make. Voter approval of a spending plan is always a welcome sign to the Board of Education that it is making decisions which are appropriate for the community. 

In addition to the Budget Proposition, voters will be asked to approve a second resolution for a new propane van and a school security improvement project. Noting the necessity of obtaining a replacement van and some improvements to campus security, the Board readily adopted the resolution to present this proposition for public vote.

There may exist some questions from the public about how the District should make use of the unexpected relief from the restoration of State Aid. The Board reserves the right to make a determination about the fate of the "bubble" class, pending final enrollment numbers. The public is encouraged to contact the Board trustees at boe@haldaneschool.org, or Dr. Villanti at mvillanti@haldane.lhric.org with any questions or concerns about the budget and bus/security propositions.

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