About the Haldane PTA BOE Committee

Haldane’s Board of Education business is everybody’s business.
It’s all about your children’s education, your tax dollars and your school. Email your questions, and see the Board Policy Manual here. Agendas and supplemental meeting materials can also be found on the Haldane website.
To contact the Board of Education, send an email to boe@haldaneschool.org.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

IMPACT software, SATs and Volunteer Recognition

The Haldane BOE workshop meeting on Tuesday Sept. 19 began with recognition of the Haldane Foundation, PTA and Athletic Booster Club officers for all their hard work and achievements. Mike Lisikatos, Maintenance Worker and volunteer fireman for the North Highlands Fire Department was recognized for his heroism during Hurricane Irene.

The Superintendent mentioned enrollment is holding and SAT scores increased last year despite a nation-wide decrease in scores reported by the Associated Press. Thomas Cunningham, Director of Health, Athletics and Physical Education, explained that IMPACT software will be utilized this year for concussion management. This software allows the department to test players and create an archive of baseline results that can be used to assist in identifying possible injury.

The Board emphasized the importance of public input for the Haldane Field Study Kick-off scheduled for Sept. 26th at 7pm in the auditorium. Improved fields will impact many groups in the community. In addition to the sports teams, all Haldane students would benefit from the opportunity to utilize an improved green space in PE and other school activities.

Concerning BOE procedure, the Board agreed on the goal that all BOE Committees should approve and distribute minutes prior to the next BOE meeting. 

The Board of Education will meet next on October 4, 2011 for a monthly business meeting. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

PTA, HSF and Athletic Booster Club Recognition

Again this year the Haldane Board of Education has renewed its tradition to recognize the incoming and outgoing officers of volunteer groups in the school. At the workshop meeting on Tuesday, September 21, the Board will recognize the Haldane School Foundation, PTA and Athletic Booster Club Officers; Michael Lisikatos, Maintenance Worker I & Volunteer Fireman for the North Highlands Fire Department. 

In addition, this workshop will be the first of the school year when administrators offer their reports to the Board. Workshop will begin at 7:00pm in the Fireplace Room of the Mabel Merritt Building.

Draft Agenda is available of the Haldane School website.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

NEW Email Address, Athletic Fields, PTA Recognition

The Board of Education announced at the 9/6/11 meeting something brand new: an email address! The address is boe@haldaneschool.org, and all messages sent to this address will be read by all Board members. 
There are a few upcoming meetings of note:

  • September 14 at 3:15 pm on the Football Field is a meeting with NYS Senator Greg Ball to discuss field repairs
  • September 20 at 7:00 pm the Mabel Merritt Building Fireplace Room is the Board of Education Monthly Workshop Meeting. The Board will recognize the PTA, Haldane School Foundation and Boosters. 
  • September 26 at 7:00 pm is the Field Study kickoff meeting with architecture/engineering firm Ward Associates who will be performing the study. All stakeholder groups and residents of Philipstown are welcome to attend, ask questions, and join the discussion. Location details for this meeting to follow.

Friday, September 2, 2011

2011-12 School Year Begins

The Haldane Board of Education met over the summer in July and August, elected new officers, (President Joe Curto and Vice President Gillian Thorpe) approved a 1.62% tax increase, (lower than the rate publicized at budget time) and approved funding of the field condition study (in conjunction with Town of Philipstown, the Village of Cold Spring and other local organizations). The Board will meet on September 6, 2011 at 7:00 pm in the Mabel Merritt Building Fireplace Room for its first regular meeting. As of this posting the draft agenda was not yet on the school website.

UPDATE: the draft agenda is now available on the school home page.