About the Haldane PTA BOE Committee

Haldane’s Board of Education business is everybody’s business.
It’s all about your children’s education, your tax dollars and your school. Email your questions, and see the Board Policy Manual here. Agendas and supplemental meeting materials can also be found on the Haldane website.
To contact the Board of Education, send an email to boe@haldaneschool.org.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fielder's choice: pick your favorite problem

Mud patches. Saggy fences. Soggy grass. Bees. Bathrooms. Bad hops.
Just to name a few.
Haldane School’s Board of Education is dedicating the December 21 Workshop to address the condition and use of its athletic fields. Town of Philipstown, Villages of Cold Spring and Nelsonville officials and residents are invited to attend, along with community recreation leaders. The meeting will be at 7:00 pm in the Music Room.
Presenters: Athletic Director Tom Cunningham, Architect and Planner John D’Angelo, and Philipstown Recreation Director Amber Stickle.
We all use the fields, and we all need to be part of this discussion.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Regular Haldane School Board Business Meeting 12/7/10

Unfinished business will include discussion on health insurance and the athletic fields. Draft agenda available here.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Buses and Life Skills

If you have ever wondered why Haldane seems to have so many buses, and why voters are asked year after year to support bonds to purchase new vehicles, Tuesday's Board of Education meeting may help answer some of your questions. 
In addition to Wayne Robinson's report on the status of the district's transportation fleet, Principal Brian Alm will make a special presentation about life skills for seniors. 
The draft agenda for this 11/16/10 meeting is now available on the Haldane School website.

11/22/10 UPDATE: PowerPoints for Transportation and Life Skills for Seniors presentations are now available on the Haldane School website. Watch the videotaped meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 pm on Cablevision channel 22 (or 78 if you live in Garrison) to get the full story. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 16 Workshop: 7 pm in the Music Room

Upcoming Haldane Board of Education workshop will highlight the following topics: Life Skills, Economics, Participation in Government, Home and Careers, Business Math, Special Education and Senior Internship Program. 
If you cannot make the meeting, catch the podcast (subscribe in iTunes) or see the video on Cablevision.
Draft agendas are usually posted on the Haldane School website by Friday or Monday before a scheduled meeting/workshop.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Meeting Location: Music Room

The November 2 Board of Education meeting will take place in the Music Room. The draft agenda is now up on the school website. Public approval of the Energy Performance contract is in place, and the Board will pursue follow-up discussion on the EPC, their visits to the school, and the location of future Board of Education meeting locations. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Energy Performance Contract PASSED! 402-76

Thanks to all who came out to vote for Haldane's Energy Performance Contract. The proposal was approved by voters by a large majority: 402 yes votes to 76 no votes.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

You can still vote absentee for the EPC

Click here to get a PDF of the Absentee Ballot Application. The application is due in the District Office before 5 pm on Monday, October 25, 2010. Completed ballots are due in the district office no later than 5 pm on Voting Day, October 26.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vote Energy Performance Contract on Tuesday

Polls are open October 26, 2010 from 7 am to 9 pm, room 105. Park in the upper (bell) parking lot. See the Haldane School website for more information.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Time and Venue Update for 10/19/10 BOE Workshop

The Board of Education Workshop meeting will commence at 6:55 pm SHARP so that those in attendance may view the Cablevision program about Haldane. Meeting will take place in the lobby of the High School building.

MSG’s The High School Journal to air at 10/19/10 Workshop

MSG Varsity will air The High School Journal at 7:00 pm on October 19, 2010 on Cablevision channel 14. This episode will feature Haldane. In view of the fact that the program airs at the same time as the BOE Workshop, the Board has decided to share this program with the public at the Workshop. Following the program, the Workshop will commence at approximately 7:30 pm. The location for this Workshop is not yet decided. Please check the Haldane website for an update on the location.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Energy Performance Contract Vote at Haldane 10/26/10

The Haldane School Board prepared an informative brochure which explains the details of the Energy Performance Contract. If you did not receive Horizons in the mail, you may look it up on the Haldane School website or click here. THREE important ideas to note:
1. The contract will not cost anything to taxpayers;
2. Voter approval qualifies the district for more state aid; and
3. Upgrades will save about 40–45% in district energy use.
Vote October 26, 2010, Room 105 from 7 am to 9 pm. 
If you are not registered to vote, you may register in person on October 19th from 4–8 pm in the main lobby of the Main Campus Building. If you work in the city, are homebound, or will be out of town on the day of the election, please consider applying for an absentee ballot. District residents who need to vote by absentee ballot may do so by:
  • Picking up a ballot in person on October 25, 2010 by 5 pm; or
  • Completing an application for an absentee ballot, available from District Office or by clicking here. A ballot will be then mailed to you. In either case, completed ballots are due in the District Office by October 26, 2010 no later than 5 pm.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

“I work in Manhattan and cannot make it back to Cold Spring in time to vote”

If this describes you, then you might be eligible to vote with an absentee ballot. See the school website for complete information about how to register to vote and how to obtain absentee ballots, or call the district office at 265-9254 extension 111 for more information. And please remember to vote for the Energy Performance Contract on October 26. Polls are open from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

October 26—Vote on Energy Performance Contract

Haldane’s aging boilers, for some years, have been a major topic of discussion at Board of Education meetings. Facilities Director Wayne Robinson regularly reports on the status of the boilers and their state of repair. There is little doubt that the boilers, through careful and meticulous maintenance, have managed to survive longer than would be expected. Heating options, whether steam, hot water or geothermal, have been explored by a heating subcommittee, and a feasibility study was done to try to evaluate the best choice for replacing the heating system.
ConEd Solutions has presented an option that they promise will not burden Haldane taxpayers. An Energy Performance Contract is a design for energy use throughout the school that aims to reduce energy consumption wherever feasible. A big savings in Haldane’s energy consumption will take place with the replacement of the old boilers with new, more efficient units. ConEd Solutions’ Energy Performance Contract would replace the boilers and make many other changes and upgrades to Haldane buildings that will save at least 40% on energy costs. The savings these reductions create are what would be used to pay for the upgrades, and ConEd solutions guarantees the savings. It is worth repeating that the Energy Performance contract will not cost the taxpayer, and the district will benefit from many upgrades in addition to the boilers that will contribute to efficiency, safety and comfort in the buildings.
The Board of Education and Superintendent Mark Villanti are aware that Energy Performance Contracts may provoke many questions in the minds of taxpayers. At the September 21 meeting, Board President Dave Merandy, Vice President Joe Curto and Superintendent Villanti offered to answer any questions people might have about the Energy Performance Contract. Board members will attend the PTA meeting on Monday, September 27 to help explain the contract and answer questions. Also see http://www.haldaneschool.org/site_res_view_template.aspx?id=8d2619f0-a250-4a2f-8cb4-2593c3e62821 on the school website for links and information about the Energy Performance Contract.
Haldane’s School Board has agreed to hold a vote on October 26 from 7am to 9 pm for the community to approve the Energy Performance Contract. Though not required, voter approval qualifies the district for more state aid. Questions may be directed to Dr. Villanti at mvillanti@haldane.lhric.org, or call the district office at 265-9254, extension 115.
And please mark your calendar for the October 26 vote for the Energy Performance Contract!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

PTA, Boosters and HSF Special Recognition

Topics at the workshop tonight:
The Board of Education Workshop will begin tonight promptly at 7:00 pm and offer special recognition for three parent and community-led school support organizations in the Haldane community: the PTA, Boosters and Haldane School Foundation. 
Director of Special Services Jen Wilson will explain Grades 3 through 8 state testing and cut scores. 
Mark your calendars for October 26, 2010 for the special vote on an Energy Performance Contract.
Draft agenda here.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hitting the Ground Running for 2010–11

The first Board of Education meeting of the academic school year will take place on September 7, 2010 in the Mabel Merritt Building Fireplace Room at about 7:00 pm. The start time is not definite because the Board will convene in Executive Session to discuss legal matters, and when they have finished, the public portion of the meeting will commence.
Of interest to all in the Haldane community would be the public forum on the Energy Performance Contract. According to a presentation made at the August 10 meeting, ConEd Solutions guarantees an Annual cost reduction of $135,931. Upgrades would take the form of lighting upgrades, new boilers, and many other changes to create more energy efficiency in the school facilities. See the ConEd Solutions presentation here for more information.
Also, see draft agenda for the 9/7/10 meeting.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Energy Performance Contract Explained

At Tuesday’s Board of Education meeting (8/10/10) ConEd Solutions estimated that the Haldane School District could save a lot of money in energy costs, enough to pay for the costs of the upgrades. 

Read all about it here at http://www.philipstown.info/ptwp/?p=2980.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Energy Savings = Cost Savings

Great news from the Haldane School website home page:

You may know that we established a district goal in our strategic plan to reduce energy consumption by 10% this past school year as a result of the capital project (roofing insulation and sealing the exterior of the main campus building) and our Energy Management Plan that was approved last year by the BOE. Wayne Robinson just provided the end of year results. They are as follows:
              Fuel Oil in gallons          Electricity (cost) 
2008-09   80,359                          $107,597                     
2009-10   68,744                          $95,851           
Our goal was to save 803 gallons of fuel oil and $10,700 in electricity costs. We exceed this target by using 11,615 gallons of fuel oil less and saving $11,746 in electricity costs.
The district is very grateful to all of the administrators, teachers, Eco Group, BOE, Todd Rogers (our consultant) and support staff who embraced the Energy Management Plan and made small changes such as reducing classroom and hall lighting when appropriate. The cumulative impact resulted in savings to the district and a significantly reduced carbon footprint. We realize that this is only a one year result, but remain hopeful that with sustained effort on all of our part we can continue to maintain and improve.
Kudos to Wayne Robinson’s leadership, the Energy Management Team ( Wayne Robinson, Beth Satterlee, Leah Horn, & Tony DiMeo) and our Eco Clubs who served as our “Green Champions”!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Special Time: 5:00 pm BOE Reorganization Meeting

Draft agenda is available for download at the Haldane School home page. Meeting highlights include:
  • Code of Conduct Public Hearing
  • Nomination and Election of BOE President and Vice President

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Highland Valley Update—Attorney Retained

At the June 15, 2010 meeting, the Board of Education agreed to retain William P. Harrington of Bleakly Platt in White Plains to provide legal representation and protect the interests of the district in the proposed Highland Valley project. Mr. Harrington’s biography is available on the firm’s website.

Monday, June 14, 2010

6/15/10 BOE Workshop and Highland Valley Update

The Board of Education will hold a regular workshop meeting on June 15, 2010 in the Merritt Building Fireplace Room immediately following its 6:30 Executive Session. There will be an update and opportunity to ask questions about the Highland Valley Draft Environmental Impact Statement. See draft agenda.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Next Fishkill Town Board Meeting 6/14 at 3:30 in Town Hall

UPDATE: the Monday June 14 meeting is cancelled according to the Poughkeepsie Journal

Fishkill special board meeting cancelled
JUNE 13, 2010
FISHKILL — A special meeting called by the Fishkill Town Board for 3:30 p.m. Monday was canceled.
Deputy Supervisor Steve Ferguson said the meeting was originally scheduled so the board could vote to opt in to the new state early retirement incentive.
He said the town attorney informed the board late Friday that a local law would be necessary to take part in the program, requiring drafting the legislation, having a waiting period and holding a public hearing."

This meeting is not listed on the Town website, (nor is an agenda) but the meeting date was posted in Town Hall last night at the Fishkill Planning Board meeting. Please note: these dates are subject to change at a moment's notice.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Keep Informed About the Highland Valley Development

A new website has been created which offers a lot of information about the Highland Valley Development. You can also find ways to help with sample letters for you to use and share. The site is brand, spanking new, so please check back frequently for updates! Here is the link:

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fishkill Town Board Meeting

The next scheduled Fishkill Town Board meeting is on June 19, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in Camp Foster (although the town website also lists Shepheard Park). Please stay tuned, as the Town of Fishkill may change its location again!

(Camp Foster at Castle Point Road, Route 9D)

View Larger Map

(Shepheard Memorial Park Located on Route 82 next to the Brinckerhoff Elementary School.)

Fishkill Planning Board/Highland Valley

The Fishkill Planning Board lists the Highland Valley Development on its agenda for the June 10, 2010 meeting at 7:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m. in the Town Meeting Room, 807 Route 52, Fishkill, New York. 

Village Meeting/Highland Valley

The Cold Spring Village agenda lists the Highland Valley development on its agenda for its June 8, 2010 meeting at 7:30 in the Village Hall. 

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Highland Valley Admits Project Will Cost Haldane Taxpayers

From the Highland Valley DEIS study, pages 17–18:
“If the current number of students is 866 in the District, the “Program” costs are $17,017.37 per student. Therefore, the additional 24 students would create a need for an additional $408,416.88 on the district. At build-out, the Highland Valley project will generate $205,052.29 of tax revenue to the Haldane School District. The net deficit is $203,364.5910 to the Haldane School District.”

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010 Meeting in Cafeteria

From the Haldane School website Home page:
The Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, June 1, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the Cafeteria located in the ES/MS Building. The meeting will include a special presentation honoring retirees and newly tenured staff. Please click here read the draft agenda.
(Note: Board of Education Meeting and Workshop draft agendas are usually available the day before or the day of the Meeting on the school website home page.)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

“A participatory democracy requires the engagement of its public.”—Mark Villanti

Board of Education Trustee Joe Curto has suggested that educating the public about the 2011–12 Budget should begin the day after the 2010–11 Budget vote. 
That day is today.
The PCN&R has raised questions in the minds of many about the fundamentals of education and staff salaries. There are also concerns about runaway real estate taxes and the importance of tenure. And the biggest fears may be: Can we sustain this school in this town? At what price? Or how much must we sacrifice our community’s educational goals?
This is a worthwhile conversation that needs to take place if we are to move forward. We are all part of this solution, and we all belong in the dialogue.
Comments are invited here. Let’s start talking.

Election Results

From the Haldane School website:
Proposition I: School Budget ($21,462,350) PASSED
692 Yes Votes
510 No Votes
Trustee: (Two positions)
Michael Junjulas 784 Votes

Mark Mormar 396 Votes
Gillian Thorpe 896 Votes
Thanks to all who voted!
posted at 9:28 pm, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Haldane Budget and Trustee vote is TODAY, May 18 in Room 105 of the Middle School. Polls are open from 7 AM to 9 PM.
Please note that the ballot is two-sided—vote both sides!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tuesday, May 18 Budget/Trustee Vote and District Meeting

The Annual District Meeting will take place on Election Day, Tuesday, May 18, 2010. Meeting starts at 7:00 pm in the Music Room. Polls close at 9:00 pm, and Budget Vote and Election results should be available soon thereafter.
To see the draft agenda, click here.
Please vote! Polls are open from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm in the Middle School, room 105.

Friday, May 14, 2010

May 17 Special PTA Meeting

Haldane School District Staff, Parents, Residents & Taxpayers
Special Meeting for voters to get clear answers about the Budget and learn the possible implications of a Contingency Budget. We hope to hear from anyone in our community with concerns.
Please bring us your questions.
Monday, May 17th, 7:00 PM at the Mabel Merritt Building Board Room.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Does the School Board REALLY Matter?

“School boards connect the will of the community to the school system,” says Timothy Kremer, Executive Director of the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA). He adds, “Through their actions, school boards largely determine whether the district they govern will be high performing, or one that achieves below par.” 
Most of us only think of the School Board at Budget time, or when the topic returns to the boilers or other issues relating to the facilities, but School Boards make important decisions about curriculum and staff as well. Haldane is the largest employer in Cold Spring and controls an over $20 million budget. The Board of Education oversees all of it. 
Read Timothy Kremer’s entire post about the importance and role of the School Board here.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Reminder: Voter Registration May 11

Voter Registration in Haldane Middle School, Room 105, from 4–8 PM.
Your identity must be verified prior to election day, so that you will not have to provide identification when you vote. Your identity can be verified through your DMV number (driver’s license number or non-driver ID number), or the last four digits of your social security number.
If your identity is not verified before election day, you will be asked to provide identification when you vote for the first time. Samples of the identification you may provide include a valid photo ID, a current utility bill, bank statement, government check or some other government document that shows your name and address.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

School Report Card and Accountability

2008–09 Report Cards
From the New York State Department of Education (these reports are also available on the school website):
New York State District Report Card

Elementary School Accountability and Overview Report
High School Accountability and Overview Report

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2010–11 School Calendar Adopted

At the 5/4/10 BOE meeting, the Board adopted the following calendar for the next school year. Adding a vacation day to the Memorial Day weekend will build in an additional potential snow day, in the event that we exceed three snow days. Also note that the Superintendent’s Conference Day on May 18 is subject to change, pending SED scoring requirements.
Half days for parent conferences will be on December 2, 2010, and March 24–25, 2011.

Click on calendar to enlarge.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 4: Public Budget Hearing

Public Hearing on the 2010–11 Budget at 7:00 pm in the Music Room. See agenda.

2010 BOE Trustee Candidates

Candidates for Board of Education Trustee have released their position platforms. Trustees will serve three year terms. 
Vote for two on May 18, 2010:
Michael Junjulas (see platform)
Mark Mormar (see platform)
Gillian Thorpe (see platform)

(left to right: Michael Junjulas, Mark Mormar, Gillian Thorpe)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

May 11: Voter Registration

Voter Registration will take place on May 11, 2010 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm in room 105.

Complete Absentee Ballot Information

Click to enlarge:

May 6: PTA Blacktop Vote and Meet the Candidates

The Haldane PTA will hold a Blacktop Vote on May 6, 2010 at 3:00 PM to determine member support of the proposed school budget. If you are a PTA member, please join us on the Elementary Playground following dismissal on Thursday.
The PTA will also host a Meet the Candidates Night on May 6 at 7 PM in the Music Room.
Please join us to learn about the three candidates who will be running for two open seats on the school board.

May 4: Public Hearing in Music Room

Public is invited to a Hearing for the Annual Budget 
May 4, 7:00 pm, Music Room
Budget highlights:

Target tax rate increase: less than 1.5%
Summer School Academy
New Bus
MS/HS Social Worker to replace Student Assistance Counselor

Friday, April 23, 2010

Board Adopts Budget for May 18 Vote

See the Haldane School website Board of Education Annual Budget section to view the Adopted Budget and for budget details. The target tax rate increase is zero to 1.5%.
Board of Education Trustee candidates (vote for two):
Michael Junjulas
Mark Mormar
Gillian Thorpe

Friday, April 9, 2010

Updated Budget Information From 4/6/10 Meeting

With a target tax increase of less that 1.5%, the Board of Education prepares to approve a spending plan that includes progressive planning through the addition of summer school, a replacement bus, and a full-time MS/HS guidance counselor.
Budget adoption will take place at the 4/13/10 Budget Workshop. Full budget details are available at the Haldane School website Board of Education section under Annual Budget. A three-part summary of the budget demonstrates a comparison between the costs of Administrative, Program and Capital costs in 2009–10, Proposed 2010–11, and 2010–11 Contingency Budgets.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Last Chance For Budget Discussion—April 6, 2010

Final Budget Discussion before Adoption of Budget on April 13. 
Last Chance for Public Comment on Draft Budget before Vote on May 18. 
Your voice can shape the future for Haldane students and the entire community. Please come to the budget discussion on April 6, 2010, 7:00 pm, Fireplace Room in Merritt Building, and mark your calendar to VOTE on MAY 18
The Board will also look at bus routing software and discuss the propane bus option for a replacement vehicle.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Absentee Ballot Information

Absentee Ballots available April 16
Applications for absentee ballots may be obtained from the District Clerk between 9:00am and 3:30 pm on any school day in the District Office. The application must be returned to the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election if the ballot is to be given personally to the voter.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How Is Haldane Trying To Control Costs?

The Haldane Board of Education continues to grapple with expected declines in state aid and expected increases in health care, salaries and pensions. Mitigating overall budget increases requires careful management of all spending in the district. Through improvements to contracts and benefits, operations and management, business operations and other expenses, a lean, efficient spending plan has been crafted. The Board will be scrutinizing line items on this budget with the knowledge that this year’s spending will also set the stage for next year’s difficult budget, as state funding will likely decrease further. The Board is committed to fiscal responsibility and keeping spending as low as possible. The Board is also determined to avoid spikes and valleys in tax rates due to short-sightedness.
To see the cost control presentation from the 3/16/10 Board of Education Meeting click here. Then join the discussion at the next Board meeting on April 6, 2010.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Next BOE Meeting 4/6/10 Budget Discussion

The Board of Education will meet on April 6, 2010 to once more discuss their spending plan for the school. This is an excellent opportunity for the community to learn more details and ask questions about the proposed budget before it is put up for the vote on May 18. 
Adoption of the 2010–11 Budget will take place on April 13. See the updated budget calendar on Haldane’s website or on the PTA wiki site for details.

Monday, March 15, 2010

3/16/10 BOE Meeting Begins With Locker Room Tour—Open To Public

The public is invited to inspect the school locker rooms which have been under discussion for a few years as needing repair. Following the tour the Board of Education will meet back at the Fireplace Room to convene for special presentations and a Pre-Budget Hearing. Please see the draft agenda for a list of all meeting topics.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Haldane Top 5% in New York State for Excellent Financial Management

State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli reported the results of a five-year program that audited every school district and BOCES in New York State for ethical and capable financial management. According to DiNapoli, “the overwhelming majority of school districts are honest and ethical and care only about providing the best education possible.” 
Of the 733 school districts and BOCES that were examined, 39 districts, about 5%, were deemed excellent. Haldane School received this honorable designation for its good financial practice. 
Read more about the Comptroller’s office findings: http://www.nyssba.org/index.php?src=news&submenu=news_media&srctype=detail&category=On%20Board%20Online%20February%2022%202010&refno=1243
Here is the list of the 39 school districts that received top marks based on five years of audits. Haldane is the only school in Putnam County on this list. No schools from Dutchess, Orange or Rockland Counties made the list:
To see the audit report on district cash handling from the office of the Comptroller, click here.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Draft Full Budget Document

The Board of Education has started to look at the complete draft budget, now available on the Haldane School website. Link to the draft budget here, and follow the budget process at the Board of Education section of the Haldane School website:
http://www.haldaneschool.org/site_res_view_template.aspx?id=40ec2188-aadb-4362-bb03-4f6f4b6815c1 and listen to podcasts of complete meetings on iTunes.

What are Pupil Personnel Services?

On 3/9/10, the Board of Education will hear a special presentation by administrators about pupil personnel services, which include guidance counselors and social workers. The draft agenda for this meeting is now available.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Agenda for 3/2/10 Meeting

The BOE Workshop which was originally scheduled for 2/23/10 and was postponed and then cancelled due to weather has now been rescheduled for 3/9/10. See the new agenda for the March 2, 2010 BOE meeting. Tonight’s Meeting will not include the special presentation of Pupil Personnel Services. This presentation will occur instead at the 3/9/10 Workshop.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

BOE Meeting Postponed Again—to 3/2/10

It would seem that Mother Nature intends the Board of Education not to meet this week. The meeting that was originally scheduled for 2/23/10 and then postponed to 2/25/10 has now been postponed to 3/2/10. Thus far, the weather is looking good for that day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

NYSSBA Analysis of Governor Paterson’s Proposed Cuts to School Aid

According to a recent analysis by the New York State School Boards Association, Governor Paterson’s proposed cuts to school funding will spell serious trouble for schools and for already over-taxed property owners. Reducing state aid will compel school districts to go to local taxpayers to make up budget shortfalls, due to ever-increasing costs of salaries, benefits and other compulsory expenses in school budgets. NYSSBA proposes that Paterson should restore the funding to schools and enact mandate relief to ease the burden of unfunded mandates on school districts.
To see the entire analysis, including a chart showing the changes in funding by county, click here.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Early Dismissal—BOE Meeting POSTPONED to 2/25/10

Due to an updated weather forecast the Haldane Central School District is closing at 1 PM for HS/ MS and 2 PM for the ES. All after school activities are cancelled including the BOE meeting which is rescheduled for Thursday (executive session at 6:30 PM and meeting at 7 PM). The sectional basketball game scheduled for tonight had been postponed.
See the draft agenda for Thursday’s meeting here. Special topics for the meeting include: review of full draft budget document and a presentation about Pupil Personnel Services (i.e., social worker).

Friday, February 19, 2010

Letter to the Community from Dr. Villanti

Anticipating budget concerns, Superintendent Mark Villanti posted the following letter on the Haldane School website:

PTA Budget Information Meeting—Podcast Now Up!

On February 9, 2010 Superintendent Mark Villanti and Board of Education President Dave Merandy sat down with members of the PTA to talk about the 2010–11 Budget. Dr. Villanti outlined the biggest budget concerns: rising costs of teacher salaries and benefits coupled with flat or shrinking state aid. Dr. Villanti also explained what the contingency budget would mean to the district this year. 

For more information about the budget and the effects of a contingency please listen to the podcast, now available on iTunes for a free download under the name: Haldane Central School District - Board of Education.

Dr. Villanti’s PowerPoint presentation is a helpful addition to the budget discussion on the podcast.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How DOES Property Tax Work?

The attached handout from the NYS Office of Real Property Services explains how the property tax system works as it relates to our local taxing jurisdictions. Though extremely complicated, the handout does do a good job of explaining the process:
How Property Tax Works

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Concise Budget—Contractual Increases

Contingency Budget—How Bad Might It Be?

Really bad. 
In years past, Haldane voters have supported school budgets because the alternative—the contingency budget—meant a similar tax increase with unacceptable spending restrictions. Voters reasonably figured that voting against the budget was equivalent to shooting themselves in the foot. 
Things are very different this year, and the consequences could be far worse.
The CPI is set at 0% this year, which would mean that a contingency budget would require cuts. Superintendent Mark Villanti estimates these cuts would be approximately $800,000. Schools are not permitted to pick and choose where they cut spending, either. Teacher salaries, benefits, and existing contracts must be honored by law.
So where will the cuts occur? 
Everywhere else. 
This year, for the first time, a contingency budget threatens not only extra-curricular activities, but programs and staff positions as well. $800K is a lot to cut from a $20+ million dollar budget. 
At the next Board of Education meeting on February 23, 2010 the Board will go over the spending plan in detail, and some time time after that a draft budget document will be made available to the public for examination. The Board needs to hear from the public during this difficult budget year.
Please return here often for updates and information about the budget planning process.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

School Closed February 10, 2010

Due to the predicted snow storm, school has been cancelled for Wednesday, February 10, 2010.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Board of Education Comes to You!

Members of the Board of Education and Superintendent Villanti will be attending a special meeting of the PTA this Tuesday, February 9th, at 7:30 PM in room 218 concerning upcoming budget discussions. This meeting will be informal with the purpose of providing information and answering any questions that parents may have about budget deliberations. The cut backs in state aide to schools make this year’s budget particularly challenging. The Board needs to hear from you during its planning process.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Shared Decision Making, Internet Safety

At the 2/2/10 Board of Ed. Meeting (7:00 pm, Fireplace Room):
Public Hearing:
Children’s Internet Protection Act: Internet Content/Filterings/Safety Policy 
BIENNIAL REVIEW of SHARED DECISION MAKING, (ESIT and MSIT) which was last reviewed in March 2008.
Draft agenda here.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fine Arts in Haldane

Fine Arts Support in Haldane will meet today, January 20, 2010 in the Fireplace Room of the Mabel Merritt Building at 3:30 pm. All are welcome.
FOLLOW-UP: Next meeting is scheduled for February 4, 2010 at 3:30 pm in the Fireplace Room.

Rollover Budget Presentation

1/19/10 7:00 pm BOE Budget Rollover Presentation
What is a Rollover Budget?
A rollover budget is the first step in designing next year’s spending plan, occurring early in the budget process. All known fixed increases are adjusted for categories such as salaries, benefits and debt service. From this starting point the Board then evaluates known increases and adjusts where they can legally cut to avert a large percentage tax increase. The Board has stated that they intend to keep any increases as low as possible.

UPDATE: Haldane’s rollover budget document now available. 
Here is a snapshot of the rollover budget: