About the Haldane PTA BOE Committee

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To contact the Board of Education, send an email to boe@haldaneschool.org.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Three Program Presentations Plus Cap vs. Gap

On Tuesday, February 28, the Haldane Board of Education had a full agenda, which included three presentations about academic programs and one presentation about the budget cap and gap. To see the draft agenda, go to http://www.haldaneschool.org/www/haldaneschool/site/hosting/BOE/Agendas/11.12/2.28.12/Draft_Agenda_and_Reports_02.28.12.web.pdf
The three program presentations were encouraging, but the budget presentation provoked apprehension. Let us look at the good news first.
Superintendent Villanti offered an update to the foreign language program, citing a push from the 2008 strategic plan to reevaluate the program. At that time, Haldane was looking at low enrollment numbers in some French sections, and the District was considering its options and questioning the feasibility of keeping French as a second language option offering. Public support for a second foreign language was strong enough for the School Board to decide to wait and see if enrollments in French would might change, and the result is that the numbers of students taking French are up. Furthermore, offering French as a second language option has proven attractive to Garrison students who come to Haldane for high school having begun Spanish studies and hoping to learn French as their second foreign language. French 1 is offered at the High School for all students who wish to learn French, and is taught by the new foreign language teacher, dual-certified Mr. John Schepisi. In 2008, there was no French 1 class, and moving to include this section in the series has allowed the program to thrive. To see Dr. Villanti’s slide show presentation, visit: http://www.haldaneschool.org/www/haldaneschool/site/hosting/BOE/Agendas/11.12/2.28.12/Foreign_Language_02.28.12.pdf
High School Physics teacher, Dr. Bob Mack presented a proposal for a Science Research Program class. The class is an elective, designed for highly motivated students who wish to learn how to perform scientific research. Dr. Mack has received training to teach the class, and he hopes to teach the program beginning next year. View Dr. Mack’s course outline here: http://www.haldaneschool.org/www/haldaneschool/site/hosting/BOE/Agendas/11.12/2.28.12/Science Research Presentation.022812.pdf
Finally, ES/MS Principal Brent Harrington gave a presentation about math acceleration in the Middle School. Mr. Harrington described a plan, including redesigning the math curriculum, rethinking some of the teaching practices and techniques, and redefining the math learning goals in the middle school to focus on Algebra readiness. The research that bears out the importance of learning Algebra is overwhelming. (See the National Mathematics Panel Final Report at http://www2.ed.gov/about/bdscomm/list/mathpanel/report/final-report.pdf). Turning the question of acceleration upside down, raising the bar in expectations for learning, and eliminating the current practice of accelerating only a limited population of students who meet the previously prescribed requirements, Mr. Harrington’s vision for the future of ES and MS math instruction will strive to achieve Algebra readiness for all students. See Mr. Harrington’s slide show presentation here: http://www.haldaneschool.org/www/haldaneschool/site/hosting/BOE/Agendas/11.12/2.28.12/Acceleration_2.28.2012.pdf
Now to the not-so-good news: Dr. Villanti gave a sobering presentation on the budget, including an explanation of the tax cap and what he sees as the far more worrying aspect of public school funding, the gap elimination cut, which for Haldane amounts to over $500k reduction in state aid. Dr. Villanti has expressed deep concern for the future of public school funding as long as both the tax cap and especially the gap are part of the annual budget calculation. The tax cap means that the district can collect a maximum levy, or number of dollars, from its taxpayers, and the gap represents a cut in state aid. The cost of running a public school is always increasing, due to rising insurance, fuel, compensation and other costs. If available funding does not rise, and if state aid is decreasing, how will the district meet its financial obligations? For the present, Haldane will use some of its reserves and fund balance, in effect, its savings accounts. These savings will not last indefinitely, however, and public schools will all likely face a financial crisis in the coming years.
The Board is scheduled to meet Tuesday, March 6 at 7:00 pm in the Board meeting room. Look for the draft agenda on the Haldane School website: http://www.haldaneschool.org.

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