The Superintendent mentioned enrollment is holding and SAT scores increased last year despite a nation-wide decrease in scores reported by the Associated Press. Thomas Cunningham, Director of Health, Athletics and Physical Education, explained that IMPACT software will be utilized this year for concussion management. This software allows the department to test players and create an archive of baseline results that can be used to assist in identifying possible injury.
The Board emphasized the importance of public input for the Haldane Field Study Kick-off scheduled for Sept. 26th at 7pm in the auditorium. Improved fields will impact many groups in the community. In addition to the sports teams, all Haldane students would benefit from the opportunity to utilize an improved green space in PE and other school activities.
Concerning BOE procedure, the Board agreed on the goal that all BOE Committees should approve and distribute minutes prior to the next BOE meeting.
The Board of Education will meet next on October 4, 2011 for a monthly business meeting.