About the Haldane PTA BOE Committee

Haldane’s Board of Education business is everybody’s business.
It’s all about your children’s education, your tax dollars and your school. Email your questions, and see the Board Policy Manual here. Agendas and supplemental meeting materials can also be found on the Haldane website.
To contact the Board of Education, send an email to boe@haldaneschool.org.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

School Budget/Trustee Vote May 17

VOTE May 17, 2011 in Haldane's School Budget/Trustee election. Polls are open from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm, Room 105 in Haldane Middle School. Parking will be available in the upper (bell) parking lot. 
Voter Registration (for school elections only) will be held May 10 in the Middle School Lobby, from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Absentee ballots applications, for any registered voter who will be away from the area on election day, (including college students and commuters to New York City) may be downloaded from the Haldane School website

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Haldane School Budget: First Public Hearing

On April 26, 2011 at 7pm in the Music Room the Haldane School Board will present the budget that will be up for voter approval on May 17. Check back at the Haldane website for the draft agenda.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Call for Candidates: Haldane School Board Trustee Election May 17

There is one seat expiring this year on the Haldane School Board. Petitions for nominating candidates for the office of Member of the Board of Education will be available in the District Office on April 7, 2011. File Trustee candidate petitions with the District Clerk no later than April 18 at 5:00 pm in the District Office.

Adopted: Haldane's 2011–12 Annual Budget

The Haldane School Board adopted the spending plan for 2011–12 at the April 5 meeting. If approved on May 17, 2011, the budget will be $21,630,013, an increase of less than 1% over last year's budget of $21,462,350. This budget also reflects the Board's efforts to keep spending below contingency levels. 
It is possible that a twice-defeated budget could result in a higher tax levy. 
Voters should understand that a defeated budget that results in a contingency is a disaster for a school district. A contingency budget, in addition to being a formula-based spending plan that is based upon the Consumer Price Index, carries with it a set of rules and restrictions for spending in a school (for more on contingency restrictions, see Board Policy Manual pages 129–131 and also in Education Law Sections 2002, 2023, 2024, and 2601-a). These restrictions include the use of buildings after the school day ends, no new equipment purchases, and impact to co-curricular activities. For earlier posts and more information about the consequences of contingency budgets, enter "contingency" in the search box on this blog.
Budget documents will be posted as they become available on the school website under the Board of Education section for Annual Budget. Check back frequently for updates. 
And please remember to vote on May 17. Or if you will not be in the area on voting day or work in the city and will not return by the time the polls close, apply for an absentee ballot and return it to the district clerk before May 10 to have a ballot mailed to you.

Monday, April 4, 2011