About the Haldane PTA BOE Committee

Haldane’s Board of Education business is everybody’s business.
It’s all about your children’s education, your tax dollars and your school. Email your questions, and see the Board Policy Manual here. Agendas and supplemental meeting materials can also be found on the Haldane website.
To contact the Board of Education, send an email to boe@haldaneschool.org.

Friday, December 18, 2009

NYS PTA Joins Education Partners in Stand Against Governor's Action to Delay School Aid Payments

From the New York State PTA:
As anticipated, Governor David Paterson has directed the Division of the Budget to delay December state aid payments to school districts (and municipalities) throughout the state by withholding certification of payments. While this action is intended to prevent the state from running out of cash, it further shifts the state's fiscal problems onto already cash-strapped school districts.

In reaction, a broad coalition of education advocates and citizen taxpayers, seeking to protect school programs from elimination, stop employee layoffs and prevent dramatic property tax increases, filed suit against Governor Paterson, saying he acted illegally and unconstitutionally by withholding state funds allocated by the state Legislature for school districts. 

Click here for press release.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Heating Debate Continues…

District Boilers in Need of Repair or Replacement by Facilities Director Wayne Robinson.

December 15 State Aid Payment Cut by 10%

New York State made the sudden decision to cut aid to school districts, leaving school boards with the challenge of trying to manage budgets, which were voted on and funded months ago, with unanticipated mid-year cuts. At the 12/15/09 Board of Education meeting Superintendent Villanti reminded the audience that the Board tried to anticipate these state aid shortfalls, and their prudent planning will mean that Haldane will not suffer. However, the future of state aid remains uncertain, and larger cuts are anticipated expected in 2010. New York State’s fiscal crisis will likely prompt the Board to take this into account as they craft the spending plan for 2010–11. 

See the press release from NYS Comptroller diNapoli, which contains details about cuts, including notice that STAR and other payments will be reduced by 19%. 

Here is the aid reduction breakdown:

Monday, December 14, 2009

Heating Discussion

At the 12/15/09 Board of Education workshop the Board will discuss Heating of Plant/Energy Performance Contract. Also, hear a special report on the Secondary Science Program by Maggie Davis, Julia Sniffen, Brian Alm, and Mark Patinella. Draft agenda available.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Letter from Dr. Villanti about the current status of the Capital Project

Superintendent Villanti answers some frequently asked questions about the Capital Project and the approximately $400K in unexpended funds. Also, he provides a status update on the boilers.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Teacher Retirement Plan and State Funding News From the NYSSBA


Following months of negotiating, the New York State legislature passed a deficit reduction plan that saves hundreds of millions of dollars in critical school funding. The legislation closes nearly $3 billion of the state’s budget gap. This is the second time this year that NYSSBA has worked to stave off a plan to cut education aid in the midst of the school year. Cutting aid after communities have approved district spending limits and implemented programs and services would have had drastic consequences. Prior to the passage of the deficit reduction plan, the legislature, led by Senate Finance Chairman Carl Kruger, conducted budget hearings, where NYSSBA and local school board associations provided compelling testimony about the impact of potential cuts and the need for increased local authority to weather the financial crisis. With vocal opposition from NYSSBA and member boards, the legislature rejected a call for mid-year cuts for the second time this year. The legislature achieved its goal of balancing the budget without new taxes or fees and without cutting education aid that would have taken money out of classrooms, depleted district reserves in a time of need and potentially raised property taxes.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Teachers, Tenure and Tomorrow

This panel discussion, sponsored by an area League of Women Voters chapter, takes a look at tenure from several angles: panelists include New York State United Teachers president Richard Iannuzzi, Director of Government Relations of the NYSSBA David Little, Attorney David Shaw and others.
Click here to access a video of the panel discussion. 

Audit Report and Approval of Use of Unexpended Capital Project Fund

See complete meeting packet from 12/1/09 BOE Meeting. Also includes minutes from Safety and Technology Committees.